Business Etiquette and Protocol
Business etiquette is made up of significantly more important things than knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client. Etiquette is about presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. Etiquette is also about being comfortable around people (and making them comfortable around you!)
People are a key factor in your own and your business success.
While the use of good business etiquette will not make up for technical knowledge in the workplace, bad manners and poor etiquette can cost both employees and the organizations for whom they work.
Take yourself from unfinished to unforgettable!
Some Of Our Business Etiquette Programmes
Best Foot Forward: Protocol and Social Etiquette
This organizational protocol training and etiquette program teaches diplomatic skills for those who are the public face of their organization. Particular attention is paid to branding, crafting messages, and building relationships.
From Top to Toe: Building a Professional Image
If you don’t look the part, it is hard to do the job to your best ability. This dress-for-success training program covers what is and what is not acceptable to wear at work, aligning appearance with workplace expectations, image management, and more.
Communication Skills and Office Etiquette for Moving Up at Work
This course covers topics such as cubicle etiquette, email etiquette, and behavior in public spaces, to ensure your employees are exposed to workplace expectations and workplace manners.
Email Etiquette and Business Writing: Good Behavior Online
Our email etiquette training program discusses on how to exhibit good online behavior and what professional electronic communication looks like.
Modern Manners for Today's Business World
This business etiquette training program covers professional behavior, networking, business dining skills, and dress code.
How to Network Like a Pro
You can’t show what you know if you don’t know how to get to the right person. This business networking training course teaches the ins and outs of networking.