
Ask Me Anything (About Digital Marketing)

Why Aren't My Facebook Ads Producing Any Results? - Part 1

Why Aren't My Facebook Ads Producing Any Results? - Part 2

Why Aren't My Facebook Ads Producing Any Results? - Part 3

How to Read Facial Expressions Even With Masks On

Do You Know The Names of These Colours

Dress Code in the Digital Age

As more and more companies are moving towards a more relaxed dress code in the office, we thought you might find it useful if we could share a few guidelines for you.

So, to kickstart this 2020, we have a beautifully designed 24 page ebook on Dress Code In The Digital Age just for you!!

Certification in Personal Image Consultancy

Get Certified & Increase Your Income TODAY! As a profession, brand and image consulting is one of the fastest growing industry that offers unlimited opportunities. As a Certified Personal Image Consultant, you are now equipped for money-making success! You don’t need years of experience to succeed. All you need is the desire and the right certification with BrandImage International Institute (BII).

70 Great Ideas In Yellow & Grey For Your Outfits And Your Home

Pantone had recently announced PANTONE 17-5104 (Ultimate Gray) + PANTONE 13-0647 (Illuminating) as the colour of the year for 2021.

It is meant to be a marriage of colors, conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting.

With this in mind, we’ve done up a 73 page ebook titled “70 Great Ideas In Yellow & Grey For Your Outfits And Your Home” to help you find inspiration for both your wardrobe and your home!